People often confuse copywriting (advertisements) with content writing for various sources. The main difference between a copy text and a content text consists, first of all, in the purpose for which that text is written or is to be made. If the text is created for advertising purposes, to attract the attention of the target audience through form, and to sell products, services, and ideas, then it is called copy.

Copywriting is extremely unidirectional, linear, strategic, and usually ends in a call-to-action, whereby the messenger intends to induce or provoke the receiver to act in some way: to buy or opt for a particular product or service
Thus, the role of the copywriter is to write in such a way as to attract the reader and cause him to read the text by moving from one phrase to another until he reaches his goal.
Since copy texts are meant to present an offer and to induce the reader to finally buy the described product or service, in view of this purpose, we can say that the mission of the copywriter could be to determine through his work the increase of the conversion rate and, therefore, the increase of sales and revenues.
We at Creative Advertising aim to do this through our work and the services included in this section.
What we do
we write short and impactful texts based on a powerful and attractive call to action to get that first click from a potential customer. This type of text usually appears on graphics that are equally engaging, interesting, and powerful in terms of visual appearance and work together to win over the customer.
is designed to attract potential customers with a targeted offer. Many businesses no longer bother with creating newsletters because they find it too complicated, however, they have messages to send to customers and future customers by e-mail, being the most direct and personal method of addressing them in a one-by-one system, especially by direct addressing. Sending an email usually does not cost you the same as advertising in the media, but without attractive content, you send it for nothing and without being opened and read, it can end up in “trash”.
a text message can be attractive if the content is short and to the point. We create short and impactful texts, through which we want to attract, not repel, the attention of the receiver.
we write texts for social media ads, both for ads in the form of posts and for those in the form of stories. Facebook Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc. – these texts are aimed at promoting a product/service through paid advertisements on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc.
is a type of content that we use to advertise online or offline through paid advertising banners for our company, products, and services within another popular website (such as online newspapers that have advertising interfaces sold/rented temporarily). No matter where these banners will be displayed, it matters that they are designed in such a way as to arouse the interest of those who “come face to face” with him.
Flyers, just like posters, are an easy way to promote offline. However, if the flyer that a hostess gives you in her hand (often unwittingly) is not attractive enough, it’s like throwing it straight into the trash. That is why exceptional visual and textual content is needed. The situation is no different in the case of advertising posters or billboards or large displays spread around the city: the text is as important as visual impact.